Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hispanianet Romania

Pe 5 decembrie 2009 o noua afacere MLM se va lansa in Romania, o afacere unica, inovatoare, ce aduce ceva cu totul nou pentru cei care doresc sa isi inceapa propria afacere online.

Hispanianet Romania este o afacere Multi Level Marketing care nu se ocupa cu distribuirea de produse cosmetice, electronice, parfumuri, ci vine cu o oferta unica: distribuirea de produse alimentare.

Alimentele sunt consumate de orice persoana in fiecare zi, asa ca de ce sa nu castigi bani in timp ce cumperi si consumi aceste produse?

Pana pe 5 decembrie, intrarea in afacere este GRATUITA, dupa acea data inscrierea va costa 30 EUR

Intra acum pe si afla mai multe detalii. 

Hispanianet Romania este sansa ta sa fii printre primii intr-o afacere mlm ce se va dezvolta la nivel mondial, asa ca nu mai pierde timp si inscrie-te acum!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Debt Relief International

Looking for International Debt Relief information?

Look through tens of articles about debt relief, debt consolidation, bankruptcy, credit debt relief and many more.

Click on the link below:

Debt Relief International

Friday, September 25, 2009

How to steal your ex boyfriend back

A new blog about how to steal your ex boyfriend back, and how to win him back.

Find out tips and advice from the expert in this domain, the author of an exceptional eBook about how to get your ex back.

Find out what it is by clicking onthe link below:

steal your ex boyfriend back

Monday, September 7, 2009

How to choose acoustic guitar

If you are looking to buy an acoustic guitar, then these guidelines will help you choose the right guitar.

Go check it out at:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Learn how to play acoustic guitar songs

If you are a beginner and want to learn how to play some easy songs on you acoustic guitar, check out my squidoo lens:

It teaches you the easiest song you can play on acoustic guitar

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Adevarul despre afacerea GDI: Chiar se fac bani cu GDI? Sau e doar o alta schema financiara?

M-am saturat sa citesc nenumarate comentarii pe net, pe forum-uri si tot felul de bloguri, in care lumea ba vorbeste de urat afacerea GDI, ba o lauda in slavi cum ca ar fi cea mai buna. Asa ca m-am hotarat sa prezint toate lucrurile pe fata, asa cum sunt ele in realitate, cu bune si cu rele.

Din start , lumea cand aude de afacere mlm, se gandeste direct la o schema piramidala in care trebuie sa “fraieresti” oameni sa intre in echipa ta, pentru ca tu sa faci bani. Nu trebuie sa fraieresti pe nimeni, si in primul rand, e o mare diferenta intre o afacere mlm si o schema piramidala, si amintesc cateva diferente:

- In schema piramidala ti se cere o suma mare de bani pentru a intra in “afacere” pe cand la o afacere mlm de obicei investitia e una mica, si acea investitie este in produsul pe care il cumperi.

- Intr-o afacere mlm poti sa castigi mai mult decat cel de deasupra ta, daca muncesti mult si vrei sa reusesti, insa intr-o schema piramidala niciodata nu vei castiga mai mult decat cei de deasupra ta

- In schemele piramidale castigi bani strict de pe urma oamenilor inscrisi de tine, pe cand intr-o afacere mlm banii provin din vanzarea de produse din cadrul retelei de distributie generate de tine.

Pe langa astea, schemele piramidale sunt ilegale in Romania si nu numai, iar daca afacerea GDI ar fi fost o schema piramidala, crezi ca ar fi rezistat 10 ani pe piata? Eu nu cred.

Acum, ce ti se cere la inscrierea in GDI? Ti se cere sa completezi un formular de inscriere, in care trebuie sa completezi si datele tale de pe card. Aici iara multa lume se sperie si fuge, cand aude treaba asta. De unde frica asta? In alte tari omul normal nici nu se mai duce la magazin, intra pe net, isi comanda ce are de comandat, plateste cu cardul, si apoi asteapta sa ii vina la usa produsele. Numai noi ne speriem cand o companie autorizata si complet sigura ne cere datele de pe card pentru a plati o amarata suma de 10$.

Nu s-a plans nimeni pana acum ca GDI i-ar fi luat toti banii de pe card, cand trebuia sa isi plateasca taxa lunara, si nici nu cred ca pt cateva sute de lei care ii are cineva pe card, GDI va risca totul si va face frauda, luandu-i toti banii unui biet roman.

In legatura cu taxa de 10$ lunara. Aceasta taxa este pentru produsul lor, ce consta intr-un domeniu web cu extensia .ws, serviciu de gazduire plus inca multe alte beneficii. E drept, pentru un domeniu .ws normal, daca e sa il cumperi de pe, spre exemplu, nu platesti mai mult de 14$ pe an. Asa e, insa daca il cumperi de acolo, nu vei avea posibilitatea de a intra in afacere. Acesti 10$ pe luna care ii platesti la GDI sunt si pt oportunitatea de a intra in aceasta afacere, si de a realiza un venit pasiv ce peste cativa ani se va transforma intr-un salariu deloc de neglijat.

Acum probabil imi vei zice: "da, dar multi spun ca afacerea GDI nu merge, si ca e teapa”. Stii cine zic lucrurile astea? Acei oameni care nici nu au incercat afacerea, sau au incercat-o pt cateva zile, o luna maxim, au pus si ei acolo cateva anunturi, nu au inscris pe nimeni si gata, au renuntat. Iar acuma zbiara in stanga si in dreapta cum ca afacerea GDI nu functioneaza, ca e o mare teapa, si sa nu cumva sa te inscrii. Nu a functionat pt ei, insa pt altii functioneaza, si chiar foarte bine.

Acum te intreb si eu ceva: Ai auzit pe cineva pt care sa ii mearga afacerea sa zbiere in stanga si in dreapta cum ca afacerea merge de minune, si ca el castiga foaarte multi bani de pe urma ei? Bine, sunt o mie de anunturi care mai de care pe net, insa cei care chiar au succes in afacere, si carora le merge bine, isi vad de treaba, nu isi bat capul cu unii si cu altii, nu se lauda cu cat castiga ei, ci muncesc acolo in fiecare zi, si isi primesc banutii in fiecare luna.

Singurul lucru negativ care il gasesc la afacerea GDI este legat de produsul lor, si anume ca este destul de slabut, in comparatie cu alte servicii de net: ofera doar 100mb spatiu, doar 10 adrese de mail, si nici serviciul de hosting nu e unul foarte performant. Insa acest lucru este unul minor daca stam sa ne gandim la oportunitatea ce ne este oferita, iar pt cineva care abia acum incepe sa isi faca prezenta pe internet, si acesta va fi primul lui website, e mai mult decat suficient.

Am incercat sa acopar cat mai multe aspecte privind afacera GDI, insa daca vrei sa afli mult mai multe, acceseaza link-ul de mai jos, si urmareste si tu filmul de prezentare, ca sa te lamuresti o data pt totdeauna care ii treaba cu GDI.

Nu dureaza decat 5 minute, asa ca intra pe si vizioneaza video-ul de prezentare acum

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Afaceri cu putini bani

Daca vrei sa descoperi ce afaceri cu putini bani ai putea incepe, si cat ar fi investitia minima, acceseaza link-ul de mai jos.

Vei gasi cateva idei excelente pentru a incepe o afacere cu putini bani.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How to build a pvc greenhouse

Here is a complete guide on how to build your own pvc greenhouse:

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Teeth Whitening

Did some research to find out what are the best home remedies for teeth whitening, but also which product to buy when trying to get rid of teeth stains.

Check out this article to find out more:

Home remedies for teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening Free Samples

Friday, June 19, 2009

Barbecue sauce recipe

Looking for the tastiest and the best bbq sauce recipe? Check out these links, you will discover one of the greatest recipe ever:

Homemade barbeque sauce recipe
Chicken babreque sauce recipe
Honey bbq sauce recipe
Best homemade bbq sauce
Tips for a Great Sweet barbeque sauce recipe

Acme people search affiliate program

Just created a squidoo page which explains exactly how you can earn big money with Tissa's affiliate program.

Click here to check it out NOW!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Affiliate Programs

Affiliate marketing is one of the biggest online business out there, and the best part is that anyone can become an affiliate marketer and start making money online right away.

Of course, you do have to know couple of things about affiliate programs, CPA networks, how google adwords work and some other basic stuff if you don't want to find yourself in serious debt after a few days.

There are multiple programs and e-books which guarantee that you'll master the affiliate marketing after you join them, or buy that specific ebook, but many of these programs do what they are supposed to do: take money from your pocket and into someone's account. And that's it! You'll get nothing from that specific ebook.

My advice to you: don't go from program to program, buying every single ebook that promises you instant money, or instant traffic for you website! They are all scams.

The only way to make money is by putting your brain into it, and think before you act. Earn while you learn, this is the best way to make money.

You can learn about the amazing affiliate marketing network by joining the Wealthy Affiliate University. They have the best training programs on the internet, and the best support ever. If you don't make money after you put in practice what you will learn there, then you'l probably never going to make money through affiliate programs.

One affiliate program that i joined and i recommend to everyone, begginer or not, is this one:
Ultimate Affiliate Program . You can earn money form 6 different sources, including GDI.

Here you can see the proof of the payments made through this program:
Proof Board

Bani pe Net

Ai acuma sansa de a intra intr-o afacere de milioane si de a incepe sa faci bani pe net cu propria afacere online.

Daca esti in cautare de munca la domiciliu, si vrei sa castigi bani online, atunci trebuie sa vezi aceasta oferta! Ai sansa de a te inscrie in ceea ce probabil este cea mai profitabila afacere la domiciliu.

Intra pe si afla mai multe detalii.

Aceasta este o oportunitate buna pentru oricine
doreste sa-si inceapa activitatea pe Internet.


Majoritatea celor care au intrat in echipa mea au succes, si au inceput deja sa aiba profit. Spun majoritatea pt ca unii dintre ei nu au avut vointa si motivatia necesara, si au renuntat cand au vazut ca trebuie un pic de munca pt a face bani, si ca nu se vor imbogati peste noapte.

Am descoperit insa ca nu e de ajuns sa incepi oricum o afacere, mai ales una de tipul MLM. Un rol foarte important il are si sponsorul tau direct. E nevoie de suport si sprijin la inceput de drum, iar eu iti voi oferi suportul si ajutorul necesar.

Cu doar 2 ore pe zi vei putea ajunge sa castigi 500$
pe luna, sau 1000$ /luna, numai de tine depinde.


Vreau sa intelegi ca aceasta oportunitate nu te va imbogati peste noapte, ci este o investitie pe termen lung. Dar merita din plin.

Este extrem de simplu si usor, si, daca vrei sa incepi o afacere online, si esti determinat sa muncesti pentru afacerea ta, atunci acesta este locul cel mai potrivit pentru a incepe.

Intra acum pe si inscrie-te in cea mai profitabila afacere pe internet!

Intrati si pe cele doua pagini Squidoo, veti afla mai multe idei de afaceri ce le puteti incepe de acasa, cu o investitie minima:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Michael Rasmussen's "Email Promos Exposed" Video Series: How to Write Killer Email Promos That Get Results!

Have you ever been faced with the task of having
to write an email promotion to your list, and
then realized that you didn't know what to say or
how to say it?

Michael Rasmussen's new video course "Email
Promos Exposed" promises to solve that problem
for you by walking you through the actual process
of creating killer email promos step-by-step.

If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this
URL to get instant free access to these videos:

I decided to see if Michael's videos live up to
their promise by trying them out myself. Here's
what I found:

Overall Quality

The first thing I noticed when I opened up the
first video was the stunning production quality.
He used Camtasia Studio for the production, which
is now the industry standard for creating
high-quality screen capture video products. The
audio is near studio quality, and the graphics
are very professional. These videos were made by
someone who KNOWS what he's doing. Well done!

I also liked how Michael divided the videos up by
section, and then again by sub-section. For
example, one video is all about the subject line,
and then there are different parts of that video
that each cover a certain area of crafting a
killer subject line.

Now let's move onto...


Here's a brief summary of each video. Obviously
it's impossible to list every single thing here,
but I want you to get a feel for what each one
covered, and how well it covered it.

If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this
URL to get instant free access to these videos:


This video served as an introduction to the whole
course. You get to see a picture of Michael in
his every day life, and he establishes his
credibility right up front by talking about some
of his massive successes online. He even provides
proof of credibility by displaying two checks in
the amount of $50,000 and $25,000 which prove
that, when it comes to the subject of making
money with email promos, he knows his stuff.

This is a good lesson for anyone to get. Whenever
you're teaching people how to do something, it's
good to establish your credibility up front, so
that there's no doubt about whether or not you're
qualified to talk about the subject. Most product
developers either skip or minimize this step.


This video talks about some things that no other
marketer has bothered to mention. You'll learn
things like:

* The mindset you need in order to write a killer

* The different tools you need before you get

* How to keep your emails laser-focused

* How to create an outline that practically
writes the email for you.

This was a fantastic video, and did a good job of
kicking things off.


I liked this video, because it talked about one
of MY biggest weaknesses when it comes to writing
email promos... the subject line. The subject
line is a confusing topic, because nobody's 100%
sure what the best tactics are.

Michael breaks it down, and reveals:

* The biggest secret for writing a subject line
that makes people insanely curious.

* Techniques for personalizing the subject line.

* Mistakes to avoid when using personalization.

I was surprised to find that I was making some of
the mistakes that Michael mentioned in this
video, but now I know better.


This is where a lot of people slack off when
writing their emails. Michael talks about how
important it is to create an opening that is
conversational, and then reveals techniques and
examples on how to do that.

He also reveals:

* How to get people to keep reading your email
once they've opened it.

* How to make your opening interesting.

* Mistakes to avoid when creating your first few


This is one of the "meatiest" portions of the
course, because it reveals techniques that are
not widely discussed on the forums, blogs, and in
most eBooks. He talks about the importance of
keeping your body copy tight and relevant, and
then reveals how you can do that. You'll also

* How to write powerful bullets that make people
curious and want to find out more.

* Simple formatting tricks for making your body
copy easy to read.

* The secret of "bucket brigade copy" and how to
use it in your email promos to force people to
keep reading.


This is where a lot of people wimp out in their
email promos. They start out strong, but when it
comes time to ask the reader to click the link
and take action, they don't know what to say.
Michael talks about some of his favorite
techniques for making that happen, and also

* The "magic question" to ask yourself that will
make your close much more powerful.

* The secret of the "unanswered question" and why
handling this is a surefire way to get people to
act right away.

* The structure of a powerful close.

* Mistakes people make when creating their close.


Some people say that the P.S. is one of the most
important parts of the email, because it is often
the one thing that gets people to click the link
at the end. In this video, Michael talks about:

* Why you should including a P.S. at the end of
your email.

* The 4 different kinds of P.S.'s you can use
(this section was a real eye-opener for me).


I loved this video, because it showed me some
mistakes that I was making that I wasn't even
aware of. Unless you're a seasoned pro, you're
probably guilty of some of the things that
Michael talks about in this video as well, and
that's why it's so valuable. I've shaved years
off my learning curve, because now I can avoid
some of the costly mistakes that I was bound to
make in the learning process.


This video alone is going to make me a lot of
money. Why? Because I used to only send out one
email promo for each affiliate promotion I was
doing. Michael showed me in this video how
important it is to send a follow-up promotion,
and he showed me exactly how to do it. He covered
things like:

* The psychology of follow-up email promo's.

* The 2 main types of follow-up promos that make
the most money.

* How to overcome readers' objections in your
follow up emails.

* The 2 most common mistakes people make when
writing follow-ups and how to avoid them.


Every marketing guru out there says that the REAL
money is on the back end. I'd have to agree with
them, but the problem is... most people have no
idea how to set up a back end system that makes
money. This video will teach you how to set up an
automated back end that's loaded with killer
promos that make you lots of cash on autopilot.
He reveals things like:

* The big difference between regular and back end
email promos.

* How to prepare a back end promotion sequence.

* Common mistakes people make when creating back
end email promos.


This could be the most important video of the
entire package for a lot of people, because most
people email their list to promote other people's
products as an affiliate. Let's face it, if you
only have 3 products, can you really afford to
only email your list 3 times a year? They'll get
bored hearing about the same old products over
and over again. This video sheds some light on
how to create killer affiliate promos. Michael
reveals things like:

* The two main types of affiliate promos.

* What makes affiliate promos different than
regular promos (and why ignoring this huge secret
could cost you big money).

* Michael's favorite tactics for creating
affiliate promos that no one else is doing.

* 3 different ways to add scarcity to your
affiliate promos (this is the most important
section of the video, so make sure you watch it
over and over again).


As you can see, Email Promos Exposed really packs
a lot of punch! Most of the courses out there
offer only watered down, weak content. Not this
one! These videos are going on my "A-list" for a
long time.

I've already watched them twice, and plan on
reviewing them every couple months to make sure
that I have the principals, techniques and
tactics burned into my mind.

If email marketing is an important part of your
business (and in my opinion, it's the most
important part of ANY online business), then you
owe it to yourself to check out Michael's
exciting new videos, Email Promos Exposed.

Here's the URL where you can get instant free access
to the videos right now.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

GDI can be a successfull business!

I joined GDI on 20 January, 2009, and since then i worked hard promoting my website, posting ads everywhere on the internet, trying to get as much traffic to my website as possible. I was spending about 4 hours a day working on my website and promoting it.

And it was worth it. I now have 60 new subscribers, and i made 28$ so far. 

If you want to start an online business, and you are a hardworking person, who doesn't quit that fast, then i really recommend GDI. It is a great income opportunity if you have patience and understand that this is a long term investment.

Thinking about joining GDI?

Visit the english version of my website here:

The romanian version:

I will help anyone who joins under me to start this business and grow his downline!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


"Today I Will Make A Difference"

Today I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A person is the product of his thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful. Therefore, I will have thoughts that are happy and hopeful. I refuse to be victimized by my circumstances. I will not let petty inconveniences such as stoplights, long lines, and traffic jams be my masters. I will avoid negativism and gossip. Optimism will be my companion, and victory will be my hallmark. Today I will make a difference.

I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving. Today I will make a difference.

I will not let past failures haunt me. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It's OK to stumble...I will get up. It's OK to fail...I will rise again. Today I will make a difference.

I will spend time with those I love. My spouse, my children, my family. A man can own the world but be poor for the lack of love. A man can own nothing and yet be wealthy in relationships. Today I will spend at least five minutes with the significant people in my world. Five quality minutes of talking or hugging or thanking or listening. Five undiluted minutes with my mate, children, and friends.

Today I will make a difference.

Max Lucado

Friday, February 20, 2009

TWO things you must consider!

1. You can't make money without a little investment. THAT is not possible! Everyone knows that if you want to make money, you have to give some money.
2. Patience is a virtue! Make it your way of life. You will be very pleased of the results and effort you put in something if you have patience and wait for the thing to work.

About This Blog

My site is an Internet Marketing Advice Blog,

I will be posting articles and info about how to

be more successful with your internet marketing efforts.

Whether You're in GDI business, or using different marketing systems, here you can find out what worked for me, what doesn't, and how i succeed in internet marketing.